
Dynaudio Special Twenty Five reference monitors. Stereophile recommended $5,200 MSRP

Selling for Original price was: $5,200.00.Current price is: $3,250.00.

Stereophile recommended!


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The Special Twenty Five you see here is the celebratory model for Dynaudio when they reached twenty five years of audio business. Its a fairly large speaker at 8.75″ wide, 13.75″ deep and about 17″ tall. Weight is a fairly substantial 29lbs each with a very sturdily constructed cabinet. With the larger cabinet size, it is able to insert an 8″ woofer and 1″ dome tweeter. And having this larger woofer distinguish it from other competing brands in a big way. Bass was deep and full with a very smooth, warm and rich mid-range. Treble was not harsh at all but sweet and a perfect extension from its smooth mid-range. Imaging and resolution is impressive when fed with a high quality amp and in the right size room. In the smaller room, bass may be a tad over powering so you might need to plug up the rear port with the foam puck (included). Nominal impedance is 4 ohm with a sensitivity of 88dB.

Cosmetically, the speakers are in very good shape. One owner from new and we have the original boxes and grille covers. They are shipped in two boxes so factor x2 fir the shipping. Local pickup from our store preferred can be arranged.