This MP โ Maximum Performance version of the K-5xe was the next best thing after the KX-R when they both came on to the market. The KX-R at $18,500 MSRP was a whole different animal when compared to this but then again the KX-R was pitched to audiophiles at a higher level. The K-5xe MP do not have over the top built quality like the massive aluminum billet chassis but something more in common with their earlier K-1 series. Sonically, at $3,500 MSRP, it is a very good buy. The transparency, silky smooth warmth, black background and a picturesque soundstage brings it near the top of the mid-range category it sits in. Built and finish like all Ayre products are of the highest level in the category. We have the V-5 power amp that this preamp was previously paired with for sale in another listing. The original K-5xe was a Stereophile Class B recommended component but with this MP version, it got a Class A recommendation.
Cosmetically, the preamp is in very good shape. Some minor scuff marks here and there but nothing major. We have the original remote and a copy of the manual. Preamp will be securely packed for safe shipping.